Guidance for College and Beyond

We Help Our Cadets Gain a Clear Understanding of Their Abilities and Interests

Fishburne Military School’s Guidance Director works closely with all of our cadets to understand their skills, their needs, and their best fit in post-secondary education options.

This guidance will provide students with authentic options that best fit their career pathway and will enable them to succeed and thrive in their next step post-Fishburne. Going forward, our Guidance Director will be facilitating relationships among many different post-secondary options including 4-year colleges, trade schools and career options, the United States military, and other career pathways to ensure that those programs understand Fishburne’s program and the strengths of our cadets.

    Two Cadets Class of 2021 accepted to the United States Military Academy at West Point!
    Two Cadets from the Class of 2021 were accepted to the United States Military Academy at West Point! Our students are regularly admitted and attend the United States service academies such as West Point, Merchant Marines Academy, Coast Guard Academy, and the Naval Academy.
    The Class of 2023 earned 6 ROTC Scholarships!!
    The Class of 2023 earned 6 ROTC Scholarships!! In 2017, seven full ride ROTC scholarships were awarded, and in 2021, five full ride ROTC to our Cadets. Fishburne cadets are prime candidates for these awards because they are already adapted to the Military life style and expectations.
    Counselors ensure each student completes applications and is aware of deadlines for their chosen schools.
    Seniors are expected to apply to several colleges where they have a reasonable chance to succeed. The goal is to have each senior matched with a college where he will be most successful as determined by the Guidance Director, the senior’s parents, and the cadet himself.

PSAT Assessment in Spring

All members of the cadet corps in grades 8-10 take the PSAT assessment test in the spring and grade 11 takes the PSAT assessment test in the Fall. The results of this test are used by the school to assess the skill development of each cadet as well as to evaluate the school’s educational program.

Preparation begins in a cadet’s junior year

Preparation for the college admissions process begins in the cadet’s junior year. During a cadet’s junior and senior years, the cadet meets frequently with the Guidance Director, who explains thoroughly the process of enrolling in college. As a part of the college counseling program, juniors are required to take the ASVAB, PSAT, SAT, and the ACT. Seniors must take both the SAT and ACT.

College representatives and college night programs

College representatives visit Fishburne throughout the year to talk with interested cadets. In addition, cadets attend College Night programs in the spring of their junior year and in the fall of their senior year. Our guidance counselor works with each Cadet in the senior class, to ensure that every student completes the common application and is aware of deadlines for their chosen schools.

Close collaboration during a cadet’s senior year

The Guidance Director works very closely with cadets during their senior year. Seniors are expected to apply to several colleges where they have a reasonable chance to succeed. The goal is to have each senior matched with a college where he will be most successful as determined by the Guidance Director, the senior’s parents, and the cadet himself.

Although the school cannot guarantee the success of each student who enters college, every effort is made to ensure the cadet is given the guidance to make a smooth transition into college, a service academy or trade college.

College Counseling

We help our cadets gain a clear understanding of their abilities and interests. Equipped with information on educational opportunities and this self-knowledge, cadets are assisted in finding those schools that make strong matches. Careful attention is paid to making wise decisions and meeting

College representatives visit Fishburne throughout the year to talk with interested cadets. In addition, cadets attend College Night programs in the spring of their junior year and in the fall of their senior year. Our guidance counselor works with each Cadet in the senior class, to ensure that every student completes the common application and is aware of deadlines for their chosen schools.

Academy Service Planning

Our students are regularly admitted and attend the United States service academies such as West Point, Merchant Marines Academy, Coast Guard Academy, and the Naval Academy.

Trade College Planning

Fishburne is currently developing relationships with Pittsburgh Institute for Aeronautics and The Apprentice School (Newport News Shipbuilding), two of the best (and private) trade colleges on the East Coast. These schools offer a way to a rewarding and financially stable career, without the debt of college. Graduates are guaranteed jobs at starting salaries most college graduates dream of securing just out of school.

Preparing Cadets for SAT and ACT Testing

As testing continues to be a component in most college admissions processes, cadets at Fishburne prepare for and take the preliminary tests for both ACT and SAT before taking the ACT and SAT. Fishburne has partnered with College Board to administer the PSAT for grades 8-11. All Juniors and Seniors take both the SAT and the ACT.

The ACT (originally the American College Test) and SAT are the two standardized tests accepted by most colleges and universities for admissions purposes. The exam has a multiple choice section covering math, English, reading, and science. It also has an optional writing test in which examinees
plan and write a short essay.

Recommendations from Faculty

Counselor and teacher recommendations are paramount in most college admissions processes. Documenting a student’s successful living experience away from home prior to college provides added confirmation as to the student’s readiness for college. Having many opportunities to observe the students, the guidance director and teachers are able to portray to the colleges the many accomplishments, talents and spirit of the cadets.

Personal Development

Fishburne is rich in opportunities for students to demonstrate talents and interests beyond the classroom. Leadership and service are encouraged in academics, JROTC, athletics, clubs, and everyday living in the barracks. As character issues have become important questions in the admission process, cadets who live by the Fishburne Honor Code clearly demonstrate the level of their character development.

Help filing for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)

Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)

Our Guidance counselor works with each senior to help them begin to fill out the FAFSA. Parents must work with their students to complete the form.

Contact Martin Goodnough with any questions.
(540) 946-7700 ext 110

Federal Student Financial Aid in the United States is funding that is available exclusively to students attending a post-secondary educational institution in the United States. This funding is used to assist in covering the many costs incurred in the pursuit of post-secondary education. Financial aid is available from federal and state governments, educational institutions, and private organizations. It can be awarded in the form of grants, loans, work-study, and scholarships. In order to apply for federal financial aid, students must first complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid.

Apply for Aid

Battalion Commander Sean Ross

Indiana University

4-year full-ride ROTC scholarship


Cadet Joshua Elms

4-Year Airforce ROTC Scholarship

University of Virginia
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Indiana University
University of Chicago

Cadet Brady Finchman

3-Year Airforce ROTC Scholarship

Liberty University
James Madison University
Virginia Tech
West Virginia University

Cadet Rahmes Hall

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical
Virginia Military Institute

Cadet Jordan Marchini

Virginia Military Institute


Cadet Nathan Ryan

South Dakota School of Mines & Tech

Cadet Julius Gardner

Anne Arundel Community College & Bowie State

Cadet William Branham

4-Year Army ROTC Scholarship

East Tennessee State University